Alina Borowska
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
Title: Postoperative cognitive dysfunctions after cardiac operations
Biography: Alina Borowska
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is more frequent among all surgery operations. Despite the advances in cardiac surgery, like “of pump” cardiosurgery methods, the number of patients with neurological complications is still significant. Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) defined as the difference between preoperative and postoperative cognitive abilities is an important neuropsychiatric complication of CABG. More severe cognitive decline on the dementia show patients with preoperative cognitive disturbances and with comorbidity of other serious somatic illnesses. CABG may cause by microembolic, hypoxia, oxidative stress which are more frequent reasons of neurons and brain tissue damage. These factors are related to the level of different cognitive domains impairment such as attention, memory, executive functions and dexterity. To prevent CNS damage and eliminate postoperative neuropsychiatric disturbances surgeons introduced some advantageous operating technics. Noteworthy among them is a state-of-the-art off-pump CABG aorta no-touch operation procedure. In other hand the pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment methods of subjects with POCD are developed. The aim of this research was to evaluate the short-term effect of “ no touch ” OPCABG on patients ’ attention and executive functions. The results obtained show significant impairment of most cognitive domains in patients who underwent “ traditional ” OPCABG , compared to the no touch OPCABG procedure. Also the novel system dedicated for monitoring of pre – inter - and postoperative events important for CNS damage and methods of cognitive early rehabilitation will be presented.