Moustafa Rizk
Alexandria University
Moustafa Rizk was graduated as a Doctor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology in 1994 from Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University ,Egypt .He has >30 years experience in the field of Protein separations Using HPLC , 2DGE, Eelectrophorsis and the field of Automation and its application in chemistry .He was the director of the Alexandria University Hospital Labs for 3 years and at the same time the director of the Alexandria Medical Research Labs, He is now the Head of Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology since 2014. He has published more than 35 publications in reputed international journals with with total impact points equal to 42.5 according to the and has been serving as an asscessor of the projects introduced to Royan 6th international research award. He is a member of Board of Directors of the Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine, Vice president of Muslim Youth society since 2012 . In 1993 he was honoured by Ministry of scientific reseaech and got The prize from Egypt Country for persons. In 2002 he got The 1st prize in accepted talks In the 18th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine IFCC , Kyoto , Japan. In 2009 he was selected as The ideal doctor by the syndicate of doctors of Egypt .
Research Interest
Clinical Reserch, Chemical Pathology