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Martin Wehling

Martin Wehling

University of Heidelberg, Germany


Martin Wehling, MD, is full professor of clinical pharmacology at the University of Heidelberg. He is also board certified internist (cardiologist) and has longstanding experiences in basic science (cell physiology, steroid pharmacology, nongenomic steroid actions), clinical trials (translating basic science into human studies) and clinical medicine (invasive cardiology, endocrinology). In 2004, he was appointed by AstraZeneca as director of discovery (=translational) medicine. In 2007, he returned to his academic position to further translational medicine by aligning academic and private activities to support biomedical innovation. His main tools are connecting distant players in the translational process, developing technological platforms and integrating them into the translational process, assembling, developing and profiling of biomarkers with particular assessment of their predictive value and developing smart translational plans to promote translatable projects.


Abstract : Translational research and development of drugs: Translatability assessment

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